The world dances to the beat of a green hammer

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 23:12

For the first time in history, one of the resolutions enjoys a global consensus, without any opposition. A total of 195 countries participating in the Paris Climate Conference voted in favor of a historic agreement to save the Earth and to fight global warming.

What draws attention is that the diplomats who made the relevant announcement showed passionate reaction, resorted for a quite short time to their “humanity”; and displayed sincere care for the affairs of humans, humanity, and the future of the new generations. They danced joyfully, with claps of thunder followed, and they hugged each other in an expression of pride over the achievement which will go into effect in 2020. It is construed from the agreement that it is an attempt to resort to renewable energy and minimize the use of fossil fuel, so as to curb global warming to below two degrees Celsius.

Pope Francis--who was the first to issue bold declarations against the negative ramifications of environmental neglect, titled, "Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home" (issued in June 2015)—hurriedly congratulated the world on this achievement. He described the agreement as “historic”. Yet, he, as usual, expressed worry over possible failures to comply with the agreement, and hoped that "special attention would be paid to the vulnerable people.”

In his address at the Paris Climate Change Conference, King Abdullah said on November 30 that “Our planet as a whole is threatened by climate change. The individual reactions to crises are unsatisfactory as they do not meet the challenges that we are experiencing. Therefore, we must work collectively, with a vision, with responsibility and with determination. "

Consequently, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius hit a UN table with a green hammer, noting that the world has come together. The green hammer symbolizes the green Earth which the world, concerned about environment, seeks to preserve. Congratulations to humanity on this unprecedented agreement. Congratulations to this “beat” with a green hammer.

We need to state that the world international community needs a second “green hammer” which is the hammer of peace. We will rise to the strike of the green hammer to report that the world is united for the attainment of peace, that the world found solutions to the Palestinian, Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan and…..crises, that terrorism has come to an end… and that human dignity is preserved and that….

The world has danced to the beat of the environment and climate hammer…
Will it shortly dance to the beat of the hammer of peace?
Why not? Yesterday’s green color has augured the attainment of such a thing…

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By Fr. Rif'at Bader/ editor-in-chief