It is logical to ask: Is there still room for what has been termed for decades as “inter-religious dialogue” at a time when the world is torn apart by wars and reverberating forms of violence that have resulted in variant bloody ferocities, deaths and victims? As some of these ferocities are committed in the name of religion, we thus inquire, “What has been left for the religion to say? What is the position of religion vis-à-vis what is taking place? What are the reasons behind maintaining inter-religious dialogue? Where will this course lead to?
To answer this inquiry, the Community of Sant'Egidio--which was founded in Rome in 1968 with a mission of helping those in need, as well as launching human and intellectual dialogue with other religions--recently convened an international conference during which “Jordan’s friend” Cardinal Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, stressed that leaders of the world religions should get involved in a dialogue designed “to establish a world where peace prevails”.
The 75-year-old French cardinal said that despite the tragic nature of the events taking place in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Nigeria and elsewhere, one has to beware of the incitements by religious leaders that urge to resorting to violence which is triggered sometimes by labeling others as infidels. He stressed that among the reasons for strife is injustice and infighting which is aimed at having access to natural resources and at maintaining arms trade. He inquired: Why is religion used as a reference in such disputes?
Based on this we rather say that: Religion has to maintain its immaculate image and keep itself aloof from the manipulating of people’s religious sentiments. Such sentiments are the dearest to humans and it is easily incited in defence of holy places and doctrines.
From this premise, we say that the inter-religious dialogue is neither a target nor the endgame. The stages of polemics among the followers of religions, which flourished from the 8th to the 12th century, proceeded in a sound and peaceful way despite of being acute. Wars and conflicts ensued on religious grounds, and people looked for means of “coexistence” among the children of the same community. This situation later evolved into means of attaining “common life” as well as social and national covenants. We later reached the stage of intellectual dialogue dominated by elitism and courtesies.
As religion is nowadays becoming a major factor leading to violence, murder, intimidation and forced displacement, we have become in need of developing new formulas that currently focus on the value of citizenship, involving full constitutional equality, as well as developing the educational bases at homes, schools, places of worship and community institutions. The intellectuals, clergymen and parents ought to move away from traditional speeches in order to combat extremism, fanaticism and alienation of others. They ought to have numerous conferences, dialogues, seminars on daily bases in order to determine the manifestations of extremism and intolerance, and consequently to disseminate correct manipulation of every religion.
Yes, religion has a say today. But we must have an in-depth study that takes us away from the boring routine.