Tips for your Journey to Success

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 03:04

For some, a successful journey is a long tiring destination, for others, it may seem inspiring! Do you think success is an easy achievement? It actually takes a lot of time, dedication and hard work. You should believe in yourself even, when you are not sure about what you want or what the future holds. Never allow negativity to sink into your life and alter your inside; always shift, twist and turn everything into positive asset. It is hard and painful sometimes; however with faith, hard work and dedication, you will not only achieve your set goals, success will become your lifestyle.

Here are some tips that may help you achieve success:

1- “Just start now”

Do not use the age restriction in your work. Never say I can’t. Start with whatever resource you’ve got and soon enough, you will grow bigger. Do not wait for the time to be right, choose now and make it the ultimate right time.

2- “Startups are based on creative ideas”

Startups do not need huge amounts of money to accelerate. Real businesses start with creative ideas that will generate its own funding process.

3- “If you believe in yourself, you will eventually make everyone believe in you”

If you truly have faith in the abilities you have, you will channel this confidence to almost everyone around you.

4- “When you love what you do, you do it with love”

Working with passion will take your job to a whole other level. When you love what you do, it stops being called a job, it becomes an amazing hobby/experience that you do every day, a sacred entity, driving people to believe in your ability even more.

5- “Competitors will bring the best out of you”

Never underestimate the power of competition, it is with the degree of competition that you can evolve and adapt. If no competition is present, one will never progress.

6- “Patience, patience and more patience”

Things will rarely work out immediately the way you want; there will always be distractions and obstacles on your way to success. The key is to persist, while developing courage to move on.

7- “The harshest person you will ever face is yourself”

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. When creating new habits and a good discipline, you will drive yourself to the ultimate way of achievement.

8- “A positive attitude can change just any situation into a positive asset and a better opportunity”

Being Positive is different than being happy, one will go through sad and difficult days, however a positive attitude is believing that things will eventually get better. Roads to success are not easy, that’s why only few succeed; however always keep a positive vision no matter what.

9- “Promoting yourself as a winner, eventually makes you a winner”

Sale is the process of persuading someone of something; one should sell their ideas effectively, thus promoting a successful outcome.

10-“Good mentors can be a great help”

Asking successful people about their journey can help you lead yours in a better way. You always need an objective guidance; it is never wrong to ask for help.

Terry Georgette Mounir Bitar
 Architect, Social Activist and youngest Entrepreneur candidate for the year 2016
 Founder and President of Charity Donation, an NGO helping underprivileged
(December 2014 – Present)
 Founder and creative director of Bitarchitects a contemporary architectural study firm
(February 2015 – Present)
 Entitled Goodwill ambassador for her extraordinary work in the charitable field
 Participating in more than 16 conferences, having more than 11 honors and titles, and published more than 13 articles in different sites

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By Terry Georgette Mounir Bitar