St. Joseph — A gentle saint with a powerful trust in God

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 19:34

Behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus.” ―Matthew 1:20–21a

God, the true father of Jesus, desired to have an earthly father for his Son as well. God chose a gentle, quiet, and humble man named Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth, who was actually already betrothed to Mary. When Joseph discovered that Mary was with child before he had brought her into his home, he was stunned. He agonized over what to do. He wondered how he could marry her when he knew the child was not his. Because of his caring and righteous nature, he decided he would divorce her quietly in order to avoid humiliating her publicly. However, in a dream, an angel told Joseph to not worry, that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that Joseph was needed to be the foster father of the baby. Joseph immediately canceled his plans of divorce and took Mary into his home.

Other examples exist in the New Testament that show evidence of Joseph’s calm, considerate, and God-fearing nature, including:

Joseph carefully taking Mary to Bethlehem when a census was ordered.
Being devotedly at Mary’s and Jesus’ side during the visits of the shepherds and Magi.
Being pensive and no doubt an amazed witness when Jesus was presented to Simeon and Anna at the Temple.
Unquestioningly paying heed to more dreams from the angel of the Lord, cautiously taking Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod and then returning to Nazareth when it was safe.
Finally—and this is the last mention of Joseph—anxiously helping Mary search for Jesus for three days in the hectic city of Jerusalem.

Joseph’s nature offers inspiration for a strong, quiet confidence in the Lord. There is never a sense of chaos or disarray about him. Even when he didn’t understand and things seemed illogical, he completely trusted and let God guide him.

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By Theresa Doyle-Nelson/