Sako: Death of Fr. Hamel "is a horrific humiliation for the whole of humanity"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 07/29/2016 - 02:17

The Chaldean Patriarch speaks about the recent slaughter of the French priest: by dying at the altar, his blood blended with the blood of Christ. In Europe, terrorist branches are getting a hold on young people who are blinded with resentment

With the assassination of the first priest to be martyred by self-proclaimed jihadists in Europe, the attention and thoughts of many turn to the Middle East, to the lands where the Christians of ancient, thousand-year-old Churches are suffering the effects of the Islamist disease. The Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I, Primate of the Church that has been wounded the most as a result of Middle Eastern upheaval in recent times, invites Christians of the East and West not to throw away everything in a race of indignation.

As Patriarch of an Eastern Church, how do you view the barbaric slaughter of Fr. Hamel?
“It is a horrific humiliation for the whole of humanity, not just for Christians. There is no plausible explanation for it, it is the symptom of a globalised madness which no longer has to have much of a planned strategy. There whole swathes of the population that are psychologically unstable, young people laden with mute resentment, who enrol in terrorist branches through mysterious channels and dynamics. They have lost their battle for the control of land and are now trying to win ideological ground.”

Some are pouring fuel on the fire and taking advantage in order to foster resentment against immigrants or Islam, in an obscure way.
“With regards to immigration, I suggested some time ago that the influx of immigrants into Europe needs to be monitored carefully, in order to prevent the infiltration of jihadists – who are ready to strike - among the masses that are arriving. This was the job especially of the intelligence networks and its was not really a job well done. However, some of the new terrorists are young people who have grown up in Europe. So the problem highlighted by these cases is the lack of a policy of integration. Problems and processes that have been neglected for decades. Many Eastern Christians too, especially young people, are confused and develop feelings of alienation when they arrive in the West. They are uprooted and grow up in a vacuum. They come from a context of strong community spirit to a place where individualism reigns supreme, where competition marginalises those who are unable to prevail. Churches must also come up with adequate pastoral approaches to such situations.”

What does the incident surrounding Fr. Jacques’ death teach the Church as a whole?
“In Fr. Jacques, who was slain in front of the altar where he celebrated mass, we see a striking resemblance with Christ. As was the case with many Catholic martyrs, with Archbishop Romero as well as the two priests who were killed in a Qaedist attack which took place during a mass at a church in Baghdad, in 2010. Their blood blended with the blood of Christ.”

What happens when incidents of this kind are exploited in order to drive home certain stances on immigration or to criminalise Islam?
“Whoever makes this choice, profanes Christian martyrdom. Reducing everything to appeals and initiatives to foment indignation is sacrilegious blasphemy in my view, towards the martyrdom of Fr. Jacques and that of all others. These people betray and disrespect Fr. Jacques more than those who inspired their killers.”

In what way?
“The victory of martyrdom, such as that received by Fr. Jacques, will be everlasting. It is the victory of Christ himself, who finds triumph in the fragility of poor, weak and defenceless human beings like that elderly French priest. Made strong and fearless not through any effort or ability of their own, but because the Holy Spirit gives them strength, to experience and relive in their own flesh the redeeming passion of Christ”.

Some say: now the West knows what martyrdom is all about…
“The entire history of the Church, everywhere and throughout the ages, is interwoven with the red thread of martyrs’ blood. What is happening today, with the French martyrs who join the martyrs of Iraq and Syria, the Copts who were slaughtered in Libya, is simply a great sign of what nurtures communion in the Church of Christ.”

And what about us? What can we do? Post a message on Facebook?
“Fr. Jacques and the others are a sign for everyone to convert. All Christians but also Muslims and everyone else. As far as Christians are concerned, it is a call for them not to be afraid to openly profess their faith. Nobody should hide away. Nobody should be afraid of “disturbing” others if they profess Christ’s name. Thanks be to God, in Iraq, despite the difficulties, we remain strong in our faith.”

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By Gianni Valente-Rome