Radio Maria… a sublime message of peace, harmony

Submitted by munir on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 14:26

Radio Maria is one of the resounding achievements that serves the cause of global peace, harmony, love, and common living.


The World Family of Radio Maria was formed in 1998, mainly based on the Our Lady of Medjugorje apparitions and messages. It has nowadays branches in 55 countries around the world with a mission that includes liturgy,catechesisspirituality, as well as spiritual assistance with everyday issues, information, music, and culture.


This radio is of prime importance as it opens locked doors and reaches to the hearts of people who have lost hope and were drifted towards mundane issues. It provides spiritual assistance to those who lost hope in life by illuminating their hearts with the grace and love of Lord Jesus.


With the radio dealing with everyday issues, it serves to provide novelty and fresh views on how to handle complicated life affairs. This keeps the radio close to the hearts and minds of ailing societies by bringing a glimmer of hope to the desperate. Furthermore, with the broadcast including culture and music, they serve to entertain the listeners and provide them with relevant information.




Radio Maria stations in Africa are ranked as Africa’s most influential information outlet, having an enormous impact on audiences, as they contribute to peace on the continent. The radios have dedicated a generous amount of programs to promoting peace across the continent including the Democratic Republic of Conga and Rwanda. 

The unique role that the radio plays in the society is what left Radio Maria in Burundi operating uninterrupted, whereas other stations were closed down or suspended during the political unrest that rocked the country from 2015 to 2018. There are plans to establish more radio stations in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and South Sudan.




In the remote Chaco Province of northern Argentina, radio Maria has served as the most important means of communication since this is one of the poorest dioceses in the country and one with a host of different social problems and conflicts.


For 20 years, Radio Maria has been providing a precious service in the region, helping the priests in their daily ministry. During the Coronavirus pandemic, in this vast and inaccessible region, the need was every much as great even during “normal” times as the radio provided awareness on the importance of the means of social communication both for the Church and for society generally.


The invaluable role played by Radio Marie in the dissemination of the message of love and message is worthy support, and appreciation.

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By Munir Bayouk/