Pope: "The Paris tragedy is an attack on peace for all humanity"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 11/14/2015 - 15:04

Lombardi says a decisive, supportive response is needed in order to counter the spread of murderous hatred. The Vatican Secretary of State has sent a telegram to the Archbishop of Paris, assuring him that the Pope is praying for the victims of the attcks and condemns these acts of violence. Francis was supposed to meet Hassan Rohani today but the Iranian president cancelled his trips to Italy and France. Now there is an even greater need for the Jubilee, the Vatican spokesman says.

Pope Francis has expressed his dismay over the news of the terrorist attacks in Paris which have left at least 127 people dead.

“Here in the Vatican,” Fr. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican’s spokesman said in a statement issued last night, “we are following the terrible news from Paris. We are shocked by this new manifestation of maddening, terrorist violence and hatred which we condemn in the most radical way together with the Pope and all those who love peace. We pray for the victims and the wounded, and for all the French people. This is an attack on peace for all humanity, and it requires a decisive, supportive response on the part of all of us as we counter the spread the homicidal hatred in all of its forms."

“Having been informed about the horrific attacks that took place in Paris and at the Stade de Frances, causing the death of numerous people and injuring many others, His Holiness Pope Francis joins in prayer with the suffering of families affected by this tragedy as well as with the pain of the French people as a whole.” The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, said this in a telegram sent to the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois on behalf of Pope Francis.

Francis “invokes God, the father of mercy, to welcome the victims in the peace of his light and bring comfort and hope to the wounded and their families. He wishes to assure them and all people who have been involved in the rescue operations, of his spiritual closeness. Once again, the Holy Father expresses his strong condemnation of violence which does not resolve anything and asks God to inspire in everyone thoughts of peace and solidarity and to offer his abundant blessings to affected families and all the people of France.”

The Pope was scheduled to meet Iranian President Hassan Rohani at 5 pm today but the president postponed his visits to Italy and France in light of the attacks.

During the course of an interview with Vatican Radio, Fr. Lombardi stated: “In the face of the crazy and horrific homicidal violence that has been raging on many are wondering how they should react. Some are asking themselves how to live the run-up to the Jubilee. Beware! These murders, which are endowed with an irrational hatred are called terrorist attacks precisely because they intend to spread terror. If we allow ourselves to be afraid, they will have achieved their goal. This is one more reason to resist the temptation of fear with determination and courage.”

“Naturally," the Vatican spokesman continued, “we must be prudent, not irresponsible, we must take reasonable precautions. But we must go on living, building peace and reciprocal trust. For this reason I would say the Jubilee of mercy seems more necessary that ever. A message of mercy, of God’s love, which brings reciprocal love and reconciliation. This is precisely the response that is needed in times of temptation and distrust.”

Fr. Lombardi then recalled “John Paul II [who] said that the message of mercy was God and believers’ great response during the dark and horrific time of World War II, the massacres carried out by totalitarian regimes and the spread of hate among peoples and persons.”

“When Pope Francis speaks of a third world war fought piecemeal, the message of mercy is crucial in giving us the capacity for reconciliation, building bridges despite it all and having the courage of love.”

“This is no time to renounce the Jubilee or to be afraid. We need it now more than ever. We need to embrace it with wisdom but also with courage and spiritual momentum, continuing to look ahead with hope, despite hate crimes. Pope Francis,” he concluded, “guides us and invites us to have faith in the Spirit of the Lord that accompanies us.”

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By Iacopo Scaramuzzi