Pope Francis: “I am close to the earthquake victims"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/03/2017 - 16:49

The Pope in Mirandola: these are “places of historical memory and are crucial areas of social and ecclesial life.” “Raise your children with the same courage you had during those hard times.” “Thank you for the example you have given to humanity”.

The Pope started by encouraging the victims of the 2012 earthquake, “Do not give into discouragement given by the still remaining difficulties.” Then he appealed, “To soon restore the historic centers” because they are “places of memory and crucial to social and ecclesial life.” Pope Francis’ words during his visit to the cathedral of Mirandola, this afternoon - April 2, 2017 - in Emilia Romagna in the areas affected by the earthquake five years ago. The Pontiff invites - with great respect - the victims at “raising your children with that same dignity and courage you had” during the “wounds” caused by the earthquake; he then thanks them for “the example that you have given to all mankind.”

During lunch in Carpi’s Episcopal seminary – where he thanked all the cooks and waiters - the Pope was seated next to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, bishop emeritus of Bologna, one of the signatories of the dubia on the post-synodal exhortation “Amoris laetitia”. They did not talk about controversial issues, as told by those sitting close to them. After lunch, the Pope met with the local clergy, in a meeting that for now remains confidential.

On leaving the Episcopal seminary, Francesco stopped to greet some disabled people in wheelchairs.

On arrival at the cathedral of Mirandola, Papa Bergoglio was welcomed by Mayor Maino Benatti and the parish priest don Flavio Segalina. Francesco stopped in the square outside the entrance of the cathedral, still off limits due to the earthquake of 2012, and addressed the people affected by the earthquake, “in this city of yours, still bearing the visible signs of such a terrible challenge, I would like to embrace you and the people of the other areas struck by the earthquake in May 2012.” The Pope recalled, “My venerable Predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, a few weeks after the earthquake, came to this area to bring his personal solidarity and encouragement and that of its entire ecclesial community.” And “today I am among you to strengthen the affection of the whole Church and to witness to each one of you my closeness and my encouragement for the journey that yet remains in rebuilding.”

The Pope renewed his appreciation to the Civil Defense, the volunteers and all those who were involved, at different levels, in the recovery of the activities and of the community life. He then he expressed his bitter awareness “for the earthquake has compromise the human and cultural heritage of your land. I think of the pain you have suffered: the wounds to your houses, your business activities, your churches and other monuments rich in history, art, and a symbol of spirituality and civilization. But “Above all,” the inner wounds: the suffering of those who lost their loved ones and those who have lost everything.”

Francis stresses, “The dignity and resourcefulness showed in the days after the quake, was source of great admiration. You have endeavored to deal with evangelical spirit the precarious situation caused by the earthquake, recognizing and accepting in these painful events the mysterious presence of a Father whose love is always present even in the most challenging circumstances. “

For Francis, “the wounds have healed, but the scars will remain forever – he says without reading the written text - And looking at these scars you shall have the courage to raise your children in that same dignity, strength, hope, courage, you’ve had in those time of wounds. “The hope is that “your fortitude, hope and hard work will never cease.” The Pope’s encouragement to the population: “Be strong and do not to give into discouragement given by the remaining difficulties.” Then, the Pope’s request to the competent authorities: “Much has been done for reconstruction but what’s most important is a strong commitment to recover the historical centers” because “they are places of the population’s historical memory and are essential areas of social and ecclesial life.”

Francis is sure that “all actors’ involved good will to ensure a rapid implementation of these necessary works for the common good.”

Standing before “Your Cathedral, symbol of faith and tradition of this area, which has been seriously damaged by the earthquake, I pray for the victims of the earthquake, for their families and for those who are still living in precarious situations.” Shall Mother Mary and “your patron saints obtain from the Lord strength for the people who are still suffering - he concludes - receive the light and strength in their hearts so to soon realize what is expected.”

He then adds, again without reading, “thank you so much for the example you have given to all humanity, and example of courage, of perseverance and dignity. Before speaking to several family members of the earthquake victims, Francis paid a floral homage on the altar for the quake-victims.

The pope, after his speech stopped to shake hands and take some selfies with the faithful gathered in the cathedral square. “Who is this beauty?” He asks taking in his arms a baby girl with a pacifier; “it’s Lucia!” replied the parents. The Pope also shared and embrace with the family members of some of the 28 victims of the earthquake in Emilia in May 2012.

After the meeting, Francis was transferred by car to the parish of St. James in Roncole for the floral tribute to the memorial of the earthquake victims. Finally, the Vatican Helicopter took off at 5.50 pm from the sports field adjacent to the Parish heading to Rome.

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By Domenico Agasso jr/ Mirandola