Pope: “Jesus does not call you to be princes but to serve”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 17:44

Francis to the consistory for the five new cardinals: face the reality of the innocent who suffer and die as victims of war and terrorism, of the refugee camps, which at times seem more like a hell than a purgatory

“Jesus has not called you to become “princes” of the Church, but has called you to serve like him and with him.” Francis “creates” five new cardinals and reminds them of the task they are called upon. The Pope wrote a short homily for the delivery of the red hats - symbol of fidelity to the shedding of blood for faith - to the five new cardinals of this mini-consistory, which was summoned to reach the right number of cardinals, who belong to the electorate’s college and are less than eighty years old, who have therefore the right to elect the future Pope . The red hat was given to Jean Zerbo Archbishop of Bamako (Mali), Juan José Omella Archbishop of Barcelona (Spain), Carmelite Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm (Sweden); Luis Marie-Ling Mangkhanekhoun, Apostolic Vicar of Paksé (Laos) and Gregory Rosa Chávez, auxiliary bishop of San Salvador (El Salvador).

The prelates’ biographies speak for themselves: Zerbo is considered a leading protagonist in the work of reconciliation of the country, always open to dialogue and encounter, his appointment launches a message of concord and unity to the people of Mali hoping for a yet-to-be-achieved peace. A month ago, shortly after the announcement of the nomination, Zerbo’s name had appeared in the “Swissleaks” report published on Le Monde about million-worth accounts hidden in Switzerland and available to the diocese. His presence in Rome seems to indicate that the internal investigation has clarified his position. Those bank accounts hold funds available to several different institutions, and not the alleged millions available to the diocese whose economic availability is far below the needs.

Omella is a parish priest with missionary experience in Africa under the White Fathers; he is engaged in solidarity organizations and has had several years of experience in leading some of the important Spanish dioceses. Arborelius, a man of dialogue, is the first Catholic bishop of Swedish origin since the Lutheran reform and the first cardinal from the Nordic countries in Europe. Ling Mangkhanekhoun, was ordained priest in a refugee camp, in the midst of the guerrilla that bloodied Laos his home country, has long been a prisoner; Francis had met him last January, and was very moved by his experience of deep faith, with no feelings of rivalry or recrimination as in any real martyrdom experience. Rosa Chavez was a close friend and associate of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Oscar Arnulfo Romero: this is the first time an auxiliary who is still in office is created cardinal.

The initial thanksgiving speech was not delivered, as customary, by the first of the list of new cardinals, Zerbo but by the Spanish Omella, who on behalf of everyone said: “Unlike the worldly qualities, there are no titles in the Church other than those marking the path of a more solemn and engaged service in proclaiming the Gospel and redemption in the name of the Lord of all, especially of the most needy ... We do not want to be an autoreferential Church. We want to be – he added - a pilgrim Church on the streets of the world in search of everyone.”

Pope Bergoglio started his homily taking cue come from the words of the day’s gospel, which describes Jesus walks ahead of his disciples heading to Jerusalem, towards his Passion and death. “But there is a distance between the heart of Jesus – Pope Bergoglio explains - and the hearts of the disciples, which only the Holy Spirit can bridge.” As the disciples “are distracted by concerns that have nothing to do with the “direction” taken by Jesus, with his will, which is completely one with that of the Father”. For example - we have heard - the two brothers James and John think of how great it would be to take their seats at the right and at the left of the King of Israel. They are not facing reality! They think they see, but they do not. They think they know, but they do not. They think they understand better than the others, but they don’t…”

“For the reality is completely different” the Pontiff continued. “It is what Jesus sees and what directs his steps. The reality is the cross. It is the sin of the world that he came to take upon himself, and to uproot from the world of men and women. It is the innocent who suffer and die as victims of war and terrorism; the forms of enslavement that continue to violate human dignity even in the age of human rights; the refugee camps which at times seem more like a hell than a purgatory; the systematic discarding of all that is no longer useful, people included.”

The Pope further explained, “This is what Jesus sees as he walks towards Jerusalem. During his public ministry he made known the Father’s tender love by healing all who were oppressed by the evil one. Now he realizes that the moment has come to press on to the very end, to eliminate evil at its root. And so, he walks resolutely towards the cross.”

Francis reminded the new cardinals: “Jesus” is walking ahead of you” and he asks you to follow him resolutely on his way. He calls you to look at reality, not to let yourselves be distracted by other interests or prospects. He has not called you to become “princes” of the Church, to “sit at his right or at his left”. He calls you to serve like him and with him. To serve the Father and your brothers and sisters. He calls you to face as he did the sin of the world and its effects on today’s humanity. Follow him, and walk ahead of the holy people of God, with your gaze fixed on the Lord’s cross and resurrection.”

Together with the “biretum rubrum”, or biretta, the classic red square hat with three horns and the episcopal ring, the five new cardinals also received the parchment with the “title”, that is, the assignment of a church belonging to the Diocese of Rome. Zerbo received that of the parish of Sant’Antonio from Padua on Tuscolana; Omella, the church of Saint Cross in Jerusalem (the church where are found the relics found by Saint Helena, mother of Constantine, during her search in the Holy Land); Arborelius received the title of St. Mary of the Angels; Ling Mangkhanekhoun that of San Silvestro in Capite, and finally, Rosa Chavez, who received that of the Blessed Sacrament in Tor de ’Schiavi. At the end of the celebration of the Consistory, Pope Francis and the new cardinals - as had happened at last year’s consistory - went to the monastery “Mater Ecclesiae” to meet with Pope emeritus Benedict XVI.

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Andrea Tornielli/ Vatican City