Patriarch Michel Sabbah: 'Two are absent from Jerusalem, God and man'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/30/2019 - 14:48

Two are absent from Jerusalem, God and man

Holy places are many, but God is not there.

God is no more in Jerusalem. He has departed. The human being also. Men of war took over waging wars and oppressing others. They planted hatred in the hearts. Even their prayers are no longer praise of God but have become a curse against others.

Even so, there are still true human beings in Jerusalem. They pray and they praise the Lord. God does not forget them even if He departed from the city of war made by men.

God shall not return to Jerusalem before the human being returns to it; a man who does not kill or demolish houses and does not change the original inhabitants and replace them with others.

You, who still pray in Jerusalem, ask God to come back to Jerusalem. Perhaps the man of war, the oppressors and those who curse others will repent and become able to see God and man and stop their oppression.

God will return to Jerusalem when man will return.

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By Patriarch Michel Sabbah