These are among the wonderful weeks that the country is experiencing these days, which teach us, as has been the case all the time, how to be wholeheartedly united in an atmosphere of one extended family, a family with its love and solidarity. With the wonderful and traditional celebration marking Independence Day and honoring a host of institutions and individuals who work for the country in various fields of benevolence, we reiterate the dear words expressed by Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, "Blessed is the Jordanian Independence Day." Jordanians are getting ready these days to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Al-Hussein Ibn Abdullah II and Ms. Rajwa Al Seif. With the development of the local media, the wedding has become on everyone's lips at a time when Arab and international satellite channels race to prepare reports covering this major event.
My memory takes me back to 1978 (specifically July 15), at a time when I lived with my dear family in the town of Al-Wahadneh (Ajloun Governorate), where we enjoyed listening to the radio with grandfather and grandmother (Abu Abdullah and Um Abdullah Bader) on a battery-operated radio as there was no electricity yet. We listed joyfully to the Jordanian songs marking the marriage of King Hussein Ibn Talal, may his soul rest in peace, to Queen Nour Al-Hussein. In 1993 (specifically June 10), I was attending school in Beit Jala, Palestine, and had the opportunity to watch live transmission on Jordan television the wedding of Their Majesties Prince (King) Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein and Princess (Queen) Rania Al-Abdullah. We watched at the time how glory and simplicity go hand-in-hand.
Thirty years later, we realize the fascinating media development to the point of reaching the current highest levels, so that we can say that the national wedding nowadays has become an international one that brings happiness and joy to all benevolent people.
These are days of national unity par excellence, during which the Jordanians and their friends rejoice, and wish good health to their Majesties King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Al Abdullah, who as parents are pleased to see their eldest son map out his family future in a happy marriage in the same way as they rejoiced as well in the happy marriage of their daughter Iman, their daughter Salma who graduated from university as well as their son Hashem who graduated from high school.
Family celebrations are rightful for every family, and this is what we see in our homes and families during the summer period, namely the period of exams, graduations, engagements and marriages. However, this beautiful Hashemite family brings delights not only its members, but to all families and individuals. Furthermore, the fast and advanced digital media has graciously allowed us to follow the details of the preparations for the royal wedding, while we are overwhelmed by an atmosphere of exorbitant joy.
We plead with the Almighty God to preserve these atmospheres of national unity and cherished joys, so that our dear homeland would remain a model of magnanimity, nobility and morality, while disseminating joy to the entire world, and remaining a holy land where friends from everywhere are proud to make pilgrimages to, just as they pride themselves days ago with regards to American Senator Mike Waltz who is married to a Jordanian woman from the family of Nshaiwat. He expressed his jubilation in the Congress as he was wearing a red head cover (kufiyyah) stating that he had visited Jordan and he would return to baptize his son in the holy waters.
Well wishes are extended to beloved Jordan on its universal wedding and bright reputation.