Brothers and sisters,
The night shines with light... Yesterday you were in dark... You are all light in Christ... Saturday has ended... The breezes blew on the morning of the blessed Sunday... The glorious day of Easter!!
The women set off towards the grave carrying the perfume... It is the new covenant in which the sun of righteousness and goodness shone on the believing souls, destroying darkness... It is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead... It is the light that erases the darkness from the hearts of believers... Yes, whoever has darkness inside him/her for sure does not realize Christ, because Christ is the LIGHT, it is the story of death on the Cross, Burial, and Resurrection on the third day!!
It is the first word that Jesus Christ said before HE gave up the spirit. He said: Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing!
I am the Resurrection and the Life... Whoever believes in me will live, even if he/she dies, and whoever is alive and believes in ME will never die!
The Lord Christ died for everyone so that the living might live no longer for themselves, but for those for whom HE died and rose from the dead!
Death was at the hands of Man, and at the hands of Man comes the Resurrection of the dead!
The WORD is True:
“If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him”
Resurrection is a transition from darkness to light... Resurrection is a gift and a responsibility...
Once the humanity be well aware of the content of the Resurrection and its sublime meanings, the humanity should transcend the causes of wars, displacement and destruction!
Again ... and again, we all pray for the world to move from the clutches of evil and fighting to the justice of light and peace!!
Christ is the only Man who passed from the face of the earth ... They believed that HE died forever, but HE rose from the dead, as HE himself said in the Book of Revelation: “I was dead, but here I am alive forever”.
Yes... it is the Resurrection...It is the Ascension to a new life... It is the beginning of a new era!!
Brothers and sisters...
While the nations were sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, the great light has shone on them!!
On this blessed night, we pray that peace, justice, and goodness may prevail among Humanity throughout the Globe... North and South... East and West... Poor and Rich ... Young and Old... and wherever on the entire Globe!
Christ is Risen... He is truly Risen... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah.