Middle East, Francis, “fundamentalist violence against Christians”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/23/2017 - 18:40

Francis to ROACO: “If Eastern faithful are forced to emigrate,” they must be able to continue to live “according to their own ecclesial tradition”.

The Eastern Churches in Syria, Iraq and Egypt "see their children suffer because of the continuing war and senseless violence perpetrated by fundamentalist terrorism," The Pope said in a speech delivered before the Easter Works for Oriental Churches (Roaco), in which he recalled the “ecumenism of blood” shared by Christians who, "whether Catholics, Orthodox or Protestants shed their blood as a seal of their witness". "When constructions cannot be repaired or retained, then we must keep being the Lord’s living temple " Francis said and added, "if Christians are forced to flee", they must be able to "continue to live according to their own ecclesial tradition".

Since 1968, ROACO carries out charity and solidarity works with the Eastern and Latin Churches on behalf of the broader Congregation for Oriental Churches which this year celebrates its centenary. "A long time - Jorge Mario Bergoglio said - during which the Congregation assisted the Supreme Pontiffs - who held its prefecture until 1967 - in support of all Churches. Those have been decades of dramatic events: Eastern Churches have often been struck by terrible waves of persecution and pain, both in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Strong emigrations have significantly weakened the presence of these churches in territories where they had flourished for centuries. Thanks to God, Freedom has now returned to some of those regions after the painful period of totalitarian regimes, but others, especially in Syria, Iraq and Egypt, see their children suffer because of the continuing war and senseless violence perpetrated by fundamentalist terrorism”.

The Oriental Churches – Pope Francis pointed out – cherish many revered memories, churches, monasteries, places of holy men and women: they must be guarded and preserved, not least with your help, thus boosting pilgrimages to the roots of faith. But, when such constructions cannot be repaired or retained, then we must keep being the Lord’s living temple, remembering that the "clay" of our faithful existence was shaped by the hands of the "potter", the Lord, who has infused into it his vivifying Spirit. And let us not forget that in the East, even today, Christians - it doesn't matter whether Catholics, Orthodox, or Protestants - pour their blood as the seal of our testimony. May Eastern faithful forced to emigrate, be welcomed in the places they arrive and continue to live according to their own ecclesial tradition”. May the Roaco organizations be "a bridge between the West and East".

The Audience, which was held in Rome today for their 90th plenary Assembly, was opened by Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation of Oriental Churches, who mentioned the latest news from Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel coming from inside and outside the Churches" and why it is necessary to "reflect upon the formation of the priests, to be authentic in their choice and strong in bringing to the people proven by poverty and persecution the joy of the Gospel. "

Speaking about the formation of priests and seminarians, Pope Francis noted the dedication and heroic witness of so many prelates. But he also warned about the temptations of seeking social status that is associated with the priesthood in some parts of the world.

Jesus’s cross, the Pope said, "is cause of distress and suffering, but at the same time it is source of salvation"

The ROACO assembly opened on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, 20, after the inaugural morning Mass, there was a reflection on the situation of the Churches in the Middle East, with particular attention to Egypt, Syria and Iraq, with the presence and contribution of the Pontifical Representatives of Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari, of Egypt, Bruno Musarò, of Iraq, Alberto Ortega, as well as Richard Gallagher and Monsignor Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso. The assembly discussed the ecclesial situation of the Holy Land and of the interventions made thanks to the Good Friday fund raising, wanted on March 25, 1974 by Blessed Pope Paul VI. The apostolic delegate in Jerusalem, Monsignor Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Fr. Francesco Patton, to whom the Pope has dedicated a special greeting to the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land, the vice chancellor of Bethlehem University, Brother Peter Bray. Wednesday was devoted to the reflection on priesthood in that particular region of the world.

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By Iacopo Scaramuzzi/ Rome