Memories of Mother Teresa's visit to Jordan resurrected

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 22:17

Marking Independence Day in 2012, His Majesty King Abdullah bestowed on “the House of Peace for the Elderly” (Dar es Salam for the Elderly), located in Tla’ Al ‘Ali, Amman, the Order of Al Hussein for Distinguished Contributions of the Second Class, marking its noble humanitarian efforts being carried out since its establishment in 1976. This accredited House is the brainchild of a girl born in Albania and named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was later known in Calcutta, India, by the name of “Mother Teresa”.

Twenty years before receiving Al Hussein Medal, particularly in November 1982, King Hussein himself received Mother Teresa at the Nadwa Palace in Amman where he expressed his appreciation and encouragement for her renowned humanitarian activities.

We address her today because on Sunday, September 4, she will be given the title of “saint”. This title is granted by the Catholic Church, led by its head the Pope, to whoever passes away after having experienced sainthood, spiritual heroism, and exorbitant love to the Almighty God and to humanity at large.

This “Mother” is viewed as one of the most outstanding personalities in the 20th century as she left behind indelible marks of noble humanitarian achievements, after having acted as a servant to the poorest people in Calcutta, India. She, thus, established the Congregation of Missionaries of Charity, opened orphanages, and won numerous international awards--which she forwarded to the poor--most notably the Nobel Peace Prize. On the day she received the prize, in October 1979, she distributed Saint Francis Prayer: “O Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace.” This prayer was also prayed with her by senior officials. This very prayer was also recited by choirs during her funeral in 1997 in Calcutta, in which heads of state and notables from all parts of the world took part.

During her visit to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1982, Mother Teresa visited the House of her order in Wasfi Tal Street Street which was established in 1976 and which bears the name of “the House of Peace for the Elderly” (Dar es Salam for the Elderly)--knowing that there are similar Houses in Ruseifa and Rmeimin. She also delivered a lecture touching on humanitarian issues at the World Affairs Council. She also visited the other “Houses of Peace” in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nablus. She also made an emotional visit to Bait Jala where she stated in the visitor record that love is the basis of the life of clergymen. She also visited Gaza including the house dedicated to the poor children and those with disabilities. In the same year, she visited Lebanon and crossed the civil war frontlines to save hundreds of besieged children.

Bishop Emeritus Salim Sayegh recalls the time when he accompanied her to Palestine. He says that “she had an ordinary passport, which did not include stamped visas. So many people recognized her on the way and they were greatly delighted to meet with Mother Teresa.” He adds that he asked her during the trip: “How do you get reassurances that the Almighty God answers your prayers and establishes houses for the poor at a time when you do not have money?” She replied saying: “I pray expressing gratitude to God who responds to my prayers, and then I ask Him whatever I want.”

Thus, Mother Teresa will be declared a saint of mercy and a mother of the poor by Pope Francis--who pays great attention to the poor, the needy and the displaced--because he wants her message to be valid for the world of today, namely the world that is the burdened by wars, by armed conflicts, by killings, by destruction, as well as by using the name of Almighty God and religion to justify violence and terrorism--among whose victims are four martyrs of the Missionaries of Charity who died in Yemen in March 2016. Through the canonization of Mother Theresa, Pope Francis wants her prayer, or rather the prayer of Saint Francis to be recited by everybody, namely, “O Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace.”

Blessed is the humanity that brings forth Mother Teresa and the like.

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By Fr. Rif'at Bader