Let us rally behind His Majesty the King

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 06/28/2016 - 21:38

On behalf of all Jordanians, we thank His Majesty the King for visiting this Jordan house, which seems to be a dear, patriotic, and sincerely devoutly religious...

We are called upon, alongside His Majesty, to pay great attention to these houses, to visit them and make donations at the individual and institutional levels…

But the question that arises… don’t we have national and governmental plans... We heard repeatedly from successive governments about their unprecedented plans and their enthusiasm to curtail poverty and unemployment... yet their rates have not relatively changed.

Yesterday, Caritas Jordan visited the Shobak region and distributed aid. Several people shed tears after they saw, as was the case in similar visits last year, the extent of poverty in some areas. The said aloud: "We have never known that there are honest people who live in this way…

The photo depicting the King staying modestly in the house of the noble Jordanians… invites the high-ranking officials, who wear ties, to leave their air-conditioned offices and meeting halls and proceed to what the Pope refers to as "the suburbs" so as to meet ambitious people who seek a bright future, a future similar to the smile of the King, for their children and the generations to come…

Many thanks to Your Majesty the King for you called on us to get out of our isolated offices to meet people in the field…the field of work and hope.

Let us rally behind His Majesty the King and head towards the houses of the noble Jordanians.

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By Fr. Rif’at Bader