The Christians who follow the Julian calendar mark on March 20, the start of the Lenten Season. The start of the 40 days of fasting is sadly concomitant with saddening news that reflects violence, wars and bloodshed in various parts of the world.
This is a period that reflects gloominess as it seems that the world is gradually immersing in a bloodbath that unveils the world leaders’ inability to find viable solutions to the problems emerging in various parts of the world, which ultimately gives way to incessant internecine wars, such wars that shove the world into an abyss of despair and hopelessness.
In the message of the Dicastery of Interreligious Dialogue marking the advent of the month of Ramada 2024, issued by Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, Perfect of the Dicastery of Interreligious Dialogue, it states that “the growing number of conflicts in these days, ranging from military combat to armed clashes of varying intensity involving states, criminal organizations, armed gangs and civilians, has become truly alarming. Pope Francis recently observed that this increase in hostilities is in fact transforming “a third world war fought piecemeal” into ‘a genuine global conflict’.”
Under the title, “Extinguish the Fire of War and Light the Candle of Peace”, the message indicates that “hope can be symbolized by a candle, whose light radiates security and joy, whereas fire, uncontrolled, can lead to the destruction of fauna and flora, infrastructure and the loss of human lives.”
While observing the start of Lent, it is important to dedicate prayers for peace in Ukraine, the Sudan, and the Gaza Strip as well as in the entire world, at a time when signs of renewed conflagrations seem to be in the offing in various parts of the world.
Lent gives the believers the opportunity to get closer to the Lord and to remember that the end of Lent marking the Feast of the Resurrection (commonly known as Easter) must lead to the resurrection of humanity with the aim to eliminate different forms of evil including wars. It is time to focus on Lord Jesus Christ and make a concerted effort to put Him first in our lives.
Jesus came into the world to bring us freedom from the slavery of sin which involves, greed, violence, crimes and wars, among others. According to the Hoy Bible, Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to provide salvation rather than condemnation. This is the merciful Lord Who opens the gates wide for attainment of peace, love, and harmony .
As Christians mark the Lenten season, it is important to plead with the Prince of the Resurrection to help in the resurrection of the world from the prevalent sins of violence, hatred, wars, crimes, as well as lust for power and wealth among others by bringing peace, love, and harmony among all peoples.
Let the world peoples emulate Lord Jesus' message of love and peace and be clothed with the dress of mercy and common living. Let them realize that wars do not solve problems but rather complicate problems through loss of life, economic recession, loss of jobs, poverty, and diseases among others. May efforts globally be directed towards steering humanity to follow the path of construction, mercy, and love which leads to establishing healthy societies that serve message congruous affiliation designed to serve the cause of promoting all forms social justice.
In his Lenten prayer, Pope Pius V states, “Look with favor, Lord, on your household. Grant that, though our flesh be humbled by abstinence from food, our souls, hungering after you, may be resplendent in your sight.”