A law should be drafted that criminalizes religious discrimination and hatred

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/22/2016 - 23:27

An interview conducted with His Majesty King Abdullah II and published in the daily Ad Dustour on Monday, August 15, reflects delight and restores normalcy. Sometimes altercations take place among members of a family, yet the family remains united with the familial atmosphere serving as a basis that enables the family to continue its constructive and coherent unity.

His Majesty the King spoke about the sublime Jordanian model which is built on compassion, harmony, conviviality, and mutual respect.” This represents the Jordanian roots which constitute the firm basis of the Jordanian house. Marking this year the Greater Arab Revolt’s centenary, we recall that it addresses the deep-rooted historic and cultural “partnership”.

The Bible says: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” (Psalm 127:1). The children of the homeland have been filled with faith that is why they announced their absolute loyalty to the Hashemite leadership, their allegiance to the homeland, and their faith that is free of any extremism. They proceeded together in the march towards construction, facing challenges together, overcoming obstacles, and looking for a better future which this grand homeland wanted to be conveyed to the whole world. Could we ever export dialogue conferences since the 1980s—which include the Amman Message, the Common Word Initiative, the World Interfaith Harmony Week and the Conference on the Challenges facing Arab Christians-- without Jordan serving as His Majesty the King has termed as “the unique model”?

His Majesty the King also talked about the "components" of the one united Jordanian family which is a source of pride. His Majesty's views did not imply any reference to "minorities and majorities'' but rather referred to conviviality and national unity. It is not mere transient "coexistence" but rather unity and harmony between two components of society that have equal rights and duties under the guidance of the wise leadership and in the presence sound citizenship between Muslims and Christians.

From this premise, we laud His Majesty's reference to the followers of the two religions, Muslims and Christians, which sets a model to be emulated by lecturers, university professors, and those in charge of educational curricula. The image of religions in Jordan is not mere categorizing people into followers of certain religions. It is rather national unity between Christians and Muslims which is stronger than the incoming extremism, or rather--as His Majesty said—alien ideas which have nothing to do with our noble Jordanian people. Addressing distortions or winds of extremism, as His Majesty says, will be through the application of law and through state bodies and institutions.

With this sublime Royal spirit and perspicacity, we do reiterate our call for drafting a special law--by following the example of fraternal United Arab Emirates--that criminalizes religious discrimination and hatred. This law should involve all religions including their symbols, followers, rituals and sanctities. The law should be called "a law that combats discrimination and hatred". This law should prohibit fomenting sedition on the information or communications networks or websites, in addition to social media networks and any other manufactured materials, like games and others.

Many thanks to His Majesty the King for reverting all issues to their real historical roots…the Jordanian family has been united and will continue to be so, God willing

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By Fr. Rif'at Barder- CCSM director