Jesus Christ is our shield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 13:13

"I am depressed, scared and tired!" A statement we hear constantly. Anxiety engulfs our society, and spreads fast like a contagious disease due to many reasons, mainly the political situations surrounding us, and unfortunately touching lately on our most valuable assets, safety and stability.

We are overwhelmed by the everyday news, namely accidents, suicide and
honor killings, among many other disturbing happenings.

Fear of the unknown is prevalent. Anger and negativity rule. Stories of tragedy have replaced the fairy tales. Life's theme has become stress, fear and violence.

Such shifting and changing is unbearable to some and impossible to others to bear and tolerate, which leaves every person dealing with such emotions differently; some take pills, others drink, and all wish to forget, or ignore.

I understood that the most effective cure is to put our entire burden on the One who can truly help. Faith in the Saviour is not only a solution, but an overall remedy.

Christ Himself in Mathew 11:28 promised to give us rest: "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Only when we connect with Him we will understand that situations might not be changed, but our perspective would. There will still be evil actions such as murder and theft but we will learn to perceive such horrible acts as part of the world we are living in, accept and live life without fear, and start experiencing calmness and serenity when all this craziness is surrounding us....

But most importantly, we will understand that there are no boundaries when we are close to God. We will really know God as a free spirit Who wishes us to be free in His love, since what evil can harm is nothing other than the flesh!

Amidst this, Jesus Christ is there as our shield to protect us from what is harmful and stressful. You and I matter to Him.

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By Rula Samain/ journalist