Jesus came to transform the world,not ‘adapt’ to it

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 12:50

Echoing the words of his predecessor, Blessed Pope Paul VI, about the nature of Christ and the Church He founded: "it comes as no surprise to the Church that she, no less than her divine Founder, is destined to be a 'sign of contradiction,'" Pope Francis said Wednesday that Jesus "was not one to adapt to the world," but came rather to transform it. Breitbart News has more on Pope Francis' remarks:

"The gospel of Jesus Christ is an ongoing challenge to the world rather than a mirror of society, Francis suggested in his weekly General Audience before a crowd of tens of thousands gathered in Saint Peter’s Square.

'Jesus is not one to adapt to the world, tolerating that death, sadness, hatred and the moral destruction of the person should endure in it... Our God is not inert, but dreams of the transformation of the world, and He brought it about in the mystery of the Resurrection,' he said.

As the 'world' embraces same-sex marriage, abortion on demand, radical individualism, sexual libertinism and materialistic consumerism, Christians hold up God’s vision for the human person and society, which calls the world to a higher standard.

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