Italy earthquake: Pope postpones catechism and prays for victims

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2016 - 01:10

Francis called off today’s catechesis, expressing his solidarity and “the embrace of the whole Church” to all those affected by the earthquake which struck central Italy this morning. The Bishop of Rome expressed his closeness to the municipality of Amatrice and other towns in the local area destroyed by the quake.

Pope Francis has decided to scrap the catechesis at today’s General Audience, devoting it instead to a moment of prayer for the victims of a serious earthquake that struck central Italy (Lazio, Umbria and Marche) in the early hours of this morning, leaving numerous people dead. Francis communicated his dismay at the news reaching him from various Italian towns, notably Amatrice and expressed solidarity and closeness to the people affected by the natural disaster. He invited faithful in St. Peter’s Square to recite the sorrowful mysteries of the holy Rosary, in memory of the victims.

“I had prepared today’s catechesis as I do every Wednesday in this Year fo Mercy, on the subject of Jesus’ closeness. But in light of the news of the earthquake that hit central Italy, devastating entire areas and leaving dead and wounded in its wake, I cannot fail to express my deepest sorrow and closeness to all those present in the areas affected by the quake, to all those people who have lost loved ones and to all those who are still shaken by fear and terror.”

Francis added; “Hearing the mayor of Amatrice say: ‘the town is gone’ and learning that there were children among the dead, saddens me beyond words.” “For this reason,” the Pope continued, “I wish to assure all people in the vicinity of Accumoli, Amatrice or elsewhere, in the diocese of Rieti, Ascoli Piceno and others across the regions of Lazio, Umbria and Marche, of our prayers. I would like to assure them of the caress and embrace of the entire Church which wishes to wrap you in its maternal love and of our embrace, here, in the square”.

Pope Francis then expressed his gratitude towards all those assisting in the rescue operation: “I wish to thank all volunteers and members of staff of the Italian Civil Protection Department who are rescuing these people,” the Pope said, “and I ask you to join me in prayer, that the Lord Jesus, who is always moved by human pain, may console these grieved hearts and grant them peace through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let us allow ourselves to be moved with Jesus.” “This Wednesday’s catechesis is postponed until next week and I invite you to join me in reciting a section of the Holy Rosary for our brothers and sisters,” he added.

In a statement released this morning, the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) announced that “in response to the quake which hit central Italy this morning, the Presidency of the CEI is immediately allocating 1 million euros from the “otto per mille” fund (a compulsory contribution which Italian taxpayers must devolve from their annual income tax return either to an organised religion recognised by Italy or to a social assistance scheme run by the Italian State) to help deal with initial emergencies and basic needs”. It added that “the Presidency of the CEI is announcing a nationwide collection to be held in all Italian churches on 18 September 2016, in conjunction with the 26th National Eucharistic Congress, as a sign of charity and of everyone’s contribution to the concrete needs of the people affected.”

At the end of the General Audience, Francis also sent out appeal for Ukraine: “In these last weeks, the international Observers have expressed concern for the worsening situation in eastern Ukraine. Today, as that dear Nation celebrates its national holiday – which this year coincides with the 25th anniversary of independence – I assure them of my prayer for peace and I renew my appeal to all the parties involved and to the international bodies that they might strengthen the initiatives to resolve the conflict, release the hostages, and respond to the humanitarian emergency.”

On the eve of the feast of St. Louis, Francis prayed “for the people of Francis and its leaders”, urging them to be hopeful despite lingering fears. He then greeted athletes preparing to celebrate the upcoming Paralympic games in Rio de Janeiro and participants of the general assembly of the World Conference of Secular Institutes and participants at a Congress celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Italian Theological Association for the Study of Morality.

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By Francesco Peloso- Vatican city