In his remarkable book, titled, "Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril", His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein describes his visit to the Baptism Site in 2009, and refers to it on page 336 saying: “Queen Rania and I went to Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where the Baptism Site is located, in the company of Pope Benedict, where the Pontiff blessed the foundation stones of two new churches, namely the Latin Archdiocese, and the Greek Catholic Archdiocese."
This event took place in May 10, 2009, during the second papal visit and during the reign of King Abdullah II. It was followed in 2014 by the third visit during his reign, which is the fourth one in the history of the Kingdom, when Pope Francis visited us and prayed in the church that was under construction, as he had earlier toured the environs of the Baptism site in the company of their Majesties the King and the Queen.
Nowadays, in the year 2025, namely on January 10, we will witness the inauguration of the “Latin Church”, which is referred to in the liturgical language as “the consecration of the temple and the inauguration of the Baptism Church of the Baptism of Jesus." It is the largest church in the world bearing the name of the Baptism of Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, it is also the most beloved and sacred church, as it is erected directly by the eternal Jordan River in which Lord Jesus Christ was baptized, as mentioned in the Holy Bible which states, "In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan." (Mark 1:9) The Evangelist John confirms the location where these events took place when he says, "This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptized." (John 1:28) We are awaiting a historic Christian, Jordanian and human event, as the site of the Baptism Site was added to the list of World Heritage Sites in 2015.
During a conversation a few days ago, with His Excellency Mr. Nadim Mu'asher—who is one of the knights of the Holy Sepulcher--he expressed his pride and joy, because he was the one who supervised the church architecture and built it to be a sign of seeking the Almighty God's consolation to him and to his wife Rania Al-Mu'asher after the passing away of their eldest son in 2008, as this is how the idea saw the light in 2009. With the help of engineers from France and Jordan, the construction of the church began immediately, after laying the foundation stone of the church in 2009.
The church is built on a plot of land, provided by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at the behest of His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Highness Prince Ghazi Ibn Muhammad, by providing 30 dunums of land to build this church that can accommodate 2,000 people, in addition to the external courtyards and monasteries that are being supervised by priests and nuns of the Order of the Incarnate Word. As for the cost, so far it stands at 11 million dinars. The main funder was Mr. Nadim Al-Muasher (Abu Ayman), in addition to the Latin Patriarchate, the government of Hungary, as well as a number of international and local associations, and individuals.
On the day of the inauguration, we will be proud by the presence of Secretary of State of the Holy See Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who is considered by international norm as the prime minister, alongside Patriarch of Jerusalem His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Catholic bishops, brethren from Jordan and Palestine, and a number of guests who came from abroad, in addition to thousands of Jordanian Christian pilgrims who are proud of their homeland and their faith.
The inauguration of the Baptism Church coincides with the framework of the silver jubilee of the start of the Christian pilgrimage to the Baptism Site in the modern era, which began with the historic visit of Saint Pope John Paul II in 2000. Therefore, this celebration takes on a very important character for religious tourism that are witnessing the culmination of all the noble efforts undertaken by the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism, the Jordan Tourism Board, the Royal Commission, the Board of Trustees of the Baptism Site, in addition to the Churches and various media outlets.
We are waiting for this great event to tell the world peoples, "come to Jordan, visit the holiest spot in the world which the Almighty God sanctified, and from which Christianity spread to the entire world." At a time when we welcome our dear guests including senior religious figures and media personnel to shed light on this unique spot, which is considered one of the lowest geographical spots under the sea, our prayers will be lifted up to Heavens pleading the perpetuation of security and stability in our beloved country, as well as seeking peace and tranquility in Palestine and all parts of the world.
Congratulations to Jordan… congratulations to the Churches in Jordan… congratulations to the Latin Patriarchate. Many thanks and appreciation are conveyed to Mr. Nadim Al-Muasher who dedicated all his faculties to let this church emerge as one of the world's artistic masterpieces. As pilgrims from all over the world come to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Lord Jesus, namely to visit the Church of the Nativity, they will come to the land of baptism to say, "We have visited the largest Church of the Baptism of Jesus Christ.