How does the Church discern terrorism?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 15:40

In March 2006, the then-Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah, delivered an invaluable lecture within the framework of a seminar organized by Amman Municipality, titled, “Terrorism: Roots, Phenomenon, Mechanism of Fending it off”.

Ten years later, the onset of the month of March this year marked the raid undertaken by our heroic security forces against terrorism and extremism, at a time when terrorists also killed four nuns of the Missionary of Charity, which was founded by Mother Teresa, as they attacked a church-run retirement home in Yemen killing as well a number of old people. From this premise, I find it incumbent to shed light on some of the enlightened thoughts brought about by the patriarch emeritus since his words, which come from Jerusalem, continue to clearly resound and call for respect of human dignity, individual or groups.

Terrorism is an illogical, unreasonable and unacceptable act that serves as a means to resolve any dispute. But in the case of terrorism, criminals are those who carry out such deeds, plan them, and support them. In fact, what is the Church’s view in this regard? The Church reiterates God’s commandment which states: “Thou shalt not kill. “ We want this to be well-known by those who kill in God's name without differentiating between the innocent and the fighters, and for those who fight and kill in order to deprive people from their freedoms, to control their natural resources, or to eliminate an adversary that stands in the way. For all those the Church says and God says: "Thou shalt not kill."

In the case of terrorism there is another factor, namely religion. People are killed in the name of God. They are killed without differentiation among fighters, innocent people, children, women, and old men. We enquire: What is the role of religion in this regard? What leads to these extremist religious stands? And lastly, is it true that religions generate wars and drive wedges among people instead of bringing them closer to each other?
Religions, in the first place, are faith in the One God, the Creator of the universe, and secondly love for all God's creation. Lord Jesus Christ said: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…. And love your neighbor as yourself.” It is important to reconcile between love on the one hand and the right to self-defence and defending the dignity of every human being on the other, since love does neither accept any form of tyranny and injustice, nor waives any human right.

Religion is the memory of the people's past and of the believer. It is the light of the present and the future. The true believer looks at the present difficulties and strives to heal the rift in accordance with the dictates of the prevailing relationship with God. With the light of faith in the heart, the believer can understand God and His will in the light of the events under way, and of his own strength that can overcome the present obstacles, grievances and frustrations which seem impossible. Under situations of conflict, religion serves as a source of hope that leads to God's light.

We all know that religion in the East is involved in all walks of private and public life, where everything begins and ends with the term “in the name of God.” For in the name of God wars start and in the name of God peace treaties are signed. Thus, the positions undertaken by religious leaders and their directives play a decisive role in the hearts of the believers on both sides.

They are capable to call for peace and are able, as well, to call for war and violence. Consequently, religion turns into extremism and into violence that can extend to be classified as terrorism, as the most heinous acts of violence are committed in the name of God--the Merciful and the loving of humans--where the believers kill and take life in God's name, who is the source of life.

Religious extremism turns religion from the worship of God towards individual or collective worshipping. In this case, the faithful person replaces God. Under the pretext of religion or defending God’s interest, a person resorts--consciously or unconsciously--to defending his own personal interests or the nation’s interests. In such situations, it seems true that religions separate people and generate wars.

That seems to be true if we look at the behavior of some believers of today or in the past history. Religions are originally designed to unite people and to bring them together before their God. Thus, religions are not the reason that separates people, for disputes and wars are attributed to the people themselves who misunderstand their religion and abuse it.

In view of the enlightened views of Patriarch Michel Sabbah, we seek mercy for the nuns of Aden and Jordan’s martyr, the hero Major Rashid Zyoud, who died while defending his country, its leadership and its people in the face of terrorism and extremism. We also pray that God would protect Jordan, its King, and people, as well as its blessed soil and water. We pray that God would steer Jordan towards the shores of safety and stability. Amen.

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By Fr. Rif'at Bader