Fr. Rif'at Bader writes on the septuagenarian "Human Rights”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/10/2018 - 17:15

Today, December 10, "the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights” is adorned with the finest gowns, as this "virtuous lady" marks its 70th anniversary.

This lady has invited whomever she wants; whoever is free welcomed the invitation, with eyes focused on the "cake of the feast". Who “made” the cake? The Lebanese are proud that the "Declaration" was drafted with sole Arab participation, namely Charles Malik Habib. He was a diplomat who participated in its drafting. Later, the declaration was translated into 500 languages that are available everywhere on paper all over the world.

What is important nowadays is that our eyes are focused on the cake and we want to be among those eat it. This is not easy. The global agendas have been set by the policies of the largest countries of the world. They set conditions for the politically and financially poor countries. These countries have no choice but to obey the decision-makers and what is being concocted by the largest eight countries or the 20 countries, or even the permanent members or the unipolar system, which has become bipolar.

We want a piece of cake from the Septuagenarian "human rights…"

As the world celebrates this anniversary and governments call for celebrating the declaration--without having read its contents or articles-- while sipping champagne on the anniversary of the “virtuous lady”, the children of Yemen, Gaza, Iraq, Syria and Libya as well as in others areas of the world stand by the children of those who celebrate its anniversary who state the right of expression, of religion, of life, of joy, as well as the right of minorities and ethnicities, and ask everyone to sing “Happy Birthday to You.”

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By Fr. Dr. Rif'at Bader