Cardinal Ranjith: 'Ensure that justice is done... they are worse than animals'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 16:20

Thearchbishop of Colombo comments with Vatican Insider on the Easter Sunday massacres: “We reject the death penalty but their punishment should match their crime. The terrorists are not Muslims, they do not believe in any God, they must be isolated”

“They should be punished mercilessly, because only animals can behave like that.” Faced with the sight of blood, corpses, including those of 45 children, pieces of limbs scattered throughout the churches of Sri Lanka after the bombs that exploded on Sunday in three churches, Cardinal Malcom Ranjith had used very harsh words against the attackers. “It was an emotional reaction”, the Archbishop of Colombo tells Vatican Insider who reaches him on the phone, “it was horrible to see all those dead, that blood, that destruction. I let my soul speak”.

So are you taking back your words?

“No. Or rather, I’ve said they’re animals and I don’t want to denigrate animals: these people are worse than animals”.

You have appealed to the Sri Lankan government to hold a “strict and impartial” investigation...

“Yes, because as Church we want to ensure that the law is applied to the letter and with all its harshness. It is an act of justice”.

The law of Sri Lanka provides for the death penalty. Would this, in your opinion, be a just solution for those who killed more than 300 innocent people?

“It’s true, death penalty is legal in our country but it has not been applied for more than 45 years. Death row prisoners are serving life in prison. Beyond that, following the teaching of the Church and the most recent indications of Pope Francis we consider death penalty unacceptable. However, what we are asking for is a punishment equal to the crime. That must so, it’s only fair”.

What do you mean in concrete terms?

“Life imprisonment. Isolate these people who practice hatred to the point of killing so many people. More than 320... Can you believe it? There is no justification for such behavior”.

It seems that Isis has claimed the attacks

“The investigation so far has not yielded any results. When they are completed, we will know who is responsible. Both the perpetrators of the massacres and those behind them, for they certainly did not act on their own initiative”.

Though it seems clear it was tied to Islamic terrorism

“Yes, but we must be careful and distinguish things well. Those who have carried out these terrible attacks are terrorists, and only that, they are not Muslims or believers, they do not believe in any God, in any religion. We must isolate them, separate them from those who are the “normal” faithful. We cannot identify all Muslims as terrorists. Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims greet each other by saying: “Salaam”, peace”.

Aren’t you afraid, however, that these attacks could represent a breaking point for inter-religious dialogue?

“No, indeed, from this dramatic experience we will succeed in strengthening them even more. Just yesterday we had an interreligious meeting: several representatives of various confessions came to see me, including Muslim leaders. All of us, and I repeat all, have condemned what has happened. Some parliamentarians and ministers of the Islamic faith have also expressed their closeness to me stigmatizing these actions”.

For ordinary people, instead, especially the families who have lost their loved ones, could there be reactions perhaps dictated by revenge?

“We are all upset and it’s possible. That is why I asked bishops, priests, parish priests to continue to make appeals to keep peace and ensure that nobody reacts, perhaps by attacking someone else. It’s no use. Violence does not reduce, it increases violence”.

You immediately went to the parish of Saint Anthony as soon as you heard the news. What do you remember?

“When everything happened I was at home, had just celebrated Easter Mass and was about to have breakfast. Around 8:55 I was reached by a phone call that informed me of the bomb. I immediately left the episcopate and went to the parish of Saint Anthony. Once there they didn’t allow me inside, the security forces feared that there might be other bombs. Among other things the church was off limits, you couldn’t even cross it, everything was in disarray. I then returned home and received a second phone call informing me of the other explosions in Negombo and Batticaloa. It was hard. It is a tragic moment for our already small community which, now counts all these losses”.

There is talk of 321 deaths so far, and about 500 wounded.

“The situation in hospitals is critical. In the last few days I went to meet many wounded and their families. Their stories are shocking, I couldn’t listen to the things they were telling me. This sudden big noise in Saint Anthony after the faithful had recited the Creed, in another parish while a layman was making a farewell speech to the parish priest who was transferred... Everything was so sudden. There are those who have lost their hearing, and those who lost their sight. There are those whose whole body is covered with, pieces of metal that are destroying their organs. I’ve heard so many cries in the wards. It’s terrible: everything was fine and now we have this army of sick people”.

How does the Church intend to move forward after this tragedy?

“We are trying to find reason for all this in faith and above all to overcome the moment with courage. There are many people, many families who have lost relatives, many parents who have lost their children, even small ones, who need our courage to move forward. The clergy, the religious, the bishops must therefore fight against discouragement and, through faith, instill confidence in people for the future”.

Are the celebrations in the churches still suspended?

“Unfortunately we have not yet begun the ceremonies, national security’s indications say it is better to keep the churches closed for now”.

One last question, Pope Francis yesterday named you as “dear brother” during the Regina Coeli, reaffirming his closeness to you and to the entire population. Did you have the opportunity to speak to him personally?

“No, I didn’t hear the Pope, he didn’t call me. But I learned of his appeals for our country and for believers. I want to thank the Holy Father for his beautiful words of solidarity and prayer”.

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By Salvatore Cernuzio/