Between Christmas.... and Easter

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2016 - 12:50

Between Christmas and Easter Christ still walks, thus giving us a lot to celebrate each day.

He still walks amongst us with hands out stretched for the meek and lonely. He listens to our cries and hears our prayers.

What a comfort we have in Him to know that Jesus is the Lord of mercy, who before we shed the first tear He cried first, before we felt pain He felt it first on the cross, and fought our fights against all evil. Jesus Christ saved us from death by giving us eternal life.

What a Lord we have in Him, and a great comfort to know that each one of us is engulfed in his gentle and tender embrace.

What a comfort to know that wherever we are, whatever we do, we are not forgotten by Him.

You see my friends, you and I have a lot to celebrate between Jesus Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. But first let's start with Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

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By Rula Hani Samain