Archbishop Pizzaballa: “Jerusalem, we need the will to find a solution together”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 12/17/2017 - 23:29

Interview with Archbishop Pizzaballa, apostolic administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem: after Trump's decision, “In all this brawling of hypothesis, there is a positive note: we are back to talking about the Holy City and its centrality”


“The way in which President Trump's move on Jerusalem and its context has been presented does not "help to build the serenity and confidence necessary for the peace process. But "there is a positive note in all this brawling of hypothesis: we are back to talking about the Holy City and its centrality". Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, apostolic administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, says in this interview with Vatican Insider, claiming that for the Holy City "the problem lies not in finding solutions, but in the true will to find a solution together".

Trump's move on Jerusalem has provoked uprising reactions. How do you judge it?
It is difficult to judge this gesture without knowing the reasons behind it, which I hope will emerge over time and clarify this strange event. The way in which it has been presented and its context, in any case, at this moment does not help to build the context of serenity and confidence necessary for the peace process and the construction of perspectives, which can only happen "in sharing" and not "in exclusion". It will now be much more difficult to restore the confidence needed to meet. We already see it in the reactions of the chanceries of the Arab countries and not only".

In your opinion, is it possible that the American initiative and the US axis with the Saudis will change the game, opening up real prospects for an agreement?
I do not know if this initiative will lead to something new and different. Only with time will we understand. Of course, the peace process needs some new elements and a new spirit. I honestly do not know whether this move is going in that direction. I repeat, time will tell us. At the moment it is difficult to think about this. But, there is a positive note in all this brawling of hypothesis: we are back to talking about the Holy City and its centrality. I hope that it will not be a flash in the pan and that the reflection on the significance of this city for billions of people in the world will be able to feed for a long time the discussions not only in the political field, but also in the religious and cultural one".

Trump did not speak of Jerusalem as "unique and indivisible" capital of the State of Israel. In your opinion, is there still the possibility of an agreement leading to two capitals - one Israeli and the other Palestinian - in the same city?
There is no other way, I believe. The possibility is still there, of course, although it is even more difficult, because the confidence needed between all parties to reach an agreement has been wounded even further. I don't know if there's a surprise in the hat.... we'll see. As things stand now, everything is still possible, but more difficult.

Many Christian leaders’ voices, underestimated by the Western media, have spoken out against the American initiative. Why?
The Holy City is close to everyone's heart, it is a religious, historical and cultural symbol. Israelis and Palestinians claim it as their political capital. But it is also a crucial spiritual symbol for Christians. It is the place that reminds us of universality and unity. In a certain sense Jerusalem is also our own, or better, we Christians belong to this city and are a fundamental part of its inclusive identity. As I have already said many other times, Christians need to take the meaning of this city back for their life of faith".

Jerusalem is a symbol city that lies at the heart of three great religions: in addition to the unresolved question of one or two capitals, there is the coexistence problem and that of accessing to the Holy sites concentrated in a few hundred square meters. How can we sort things out?
With good will, we can sort things out. Several proposals have already been studied in the past. The so-called “Sacred fence” an indivisible area, is not an insurmountable taboo to deal with. The problem lies not in finding solutions, but in the true will to find a solution together. If there is a will, the way will also be found.

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By Andrea Tornielli/