“We Christians must walk against the current”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 13:44

Angelus, Pope Francis, “We are called not to be absorbed by the vision of this world.” A prayer for the flood victims in Texas and Louisiana.

"Let us pray to Mary the Most Holy not to fear the cross, not a cross without Jesus but a cross on which Jesus was nailed to” Francis affirms at the Angelus. There is always the temptation to follow a Christ without a cross, rather, to teach God the right path. With a great and always valid wisdom, Jesus challenges self-centered mentalities and behaviors."

The Pope warns that "we are called not to be absorbed by the vision of this world, but to be increasingly aware of the necessity and fatigue for us Christians to walk counter-current and uphill." Francis explains that "Jesus reminds us that His way is the way of love, and there is no true love without self-sacrifice."

The Pontiff recalls faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Marian prayer, "the golden rule that God has inscribed into human nature created in Christ." And that is, "the rule that only love gives meaning and happiness to life." In fact, Jorge Mario Bergoglio points out, "spending one’s talents, energies and time just to save, guard and realize oneself, actually leads us to lose our way, to a sad and sterile existence." While, " if we live for the Lord and build our lives on love, as Jesus did, we will be able to enjoy genuine joy."

The Pope draws inspiration for his reflection from today's gospel reading, which “continues that of last Sunday, in which stood out Peter’s profession of faith, as the rock on which Jesus wants to build his Church." While, "today in a stark contrast, Matthew shows us Peter’s reaction when Jesus reveals to the disciples that he is bound to suffer, be killed and resurrect in Jerusalem". So "Peter takes the Master on the side and rebukes him because this, he says, can not happen to him, to Christ."

But Jesus, in turn, reproaches Peter with harsh words: "Get behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me because you do not think according to God, but according to men! " Therefore, the Pope points out, "a moment before the apostle was a solid stone upon which Jesus could build his community, and immediately after he becomes an obstacle, a stumbling block on the Messiah’s way. Jesus knows that Peter and others still have a long way to go to become his apostles."

At that point, "the Master addresses all those who follow him, clearly presenting the way: if anyone wants to follow me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." Jesus exhorts: "Whoever wants to save their life will lose it; but whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

Francis recalled that in the celebration of the Eucharist "we revive the mystery of the cross; we don’t just remember it, but we make the memorial of the redeeming sacrifice, in which the Son of God loses himself completely to be received by His Father and thus find us, who were lost, together with all creatures." Then, the Pope continues, "every time we attend the holy Mass, the love of the crucified and risen Christ communicates to us as food and drink, so that we can follow Him on our daily path, in the concrete serving of our brothers and sisters."

After the Angelus, Francis renewed his "spiritual closeness to the populations of South Asia, which are still suffering the consequences of devastating floods" and expressed words of comfort and "active participation in the suffering of Texas and Louisiana people affected by a hurricane and exceptional rains, which have resulted in deaths, thousands of displaced people and massive material damage." He then asked, "to Mary the Most Holy, consoler of the afflicted", to obtain "from the Lord the grace of comfort for the whole Texan community in these painful circumstances."

Francis, who will leave for Colombia on Wednesday, saw a sign in the crowd that wished him a good trip and concluded: "I want to thank you for wishing me a good trip ... thank you, thank you!"

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By Giacomo Galeazzi/ Vatican city