“Little Jesus reminds us that half the refugees are children”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/14/2018 - 21:19

Baby Jesus “reminds us that half of the refugees in the world today are children, blameless victims of human injustice”: to the performers and organizers of the Christmas concert that will take place tomorrow in the Vatican, the Pope addressed a speech focused on migrants, stressing that “to leave everything - home, relatives, country - and face the unknown, one must have suffered a very difficult situation,” and hoped that these people will not be received with “indifference or, worse, intolerance,” hoping that the gates of the refugee camps will “open allowing young migrants to enter new the societies”.

This year’s edition of the concert, which will take place tomorrow evening, December 15, in the Paul VI hall, supports two missions: the first, is carried out by Missioni Don Bosco Valdocco Onlus in Uganda, where many people from neighboring countries in conflict (especially South Sudan, at war since 2013) have found shelter; the second, sees the pontifical foundation “Scholas Occurrentes”, born from an initiative of Jorge Mario Bergoglio when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, intervene in Erbil, Iraq, where the war has placed a heavy burden on the future of an entire generation. Two projects, the Pope said in thanking them, that “have collected this call to “network with education”, cooperating in the transmission of the message of hope for Christmas”.

Christmas “is always new, as it invites us to be reborn in faith, to open ourselves to hope, to rekindle charity” the Pope said in his speech delivered in the Sala Clementina of the Apostolic Palace. “This year, in particular, he calls us to reflect on the situation of so many men, women and children of our time - migrants and refugees - who are on the move to escape wars, miseries caused by social injustices and climate change. To leave everything – home, relatives, homeland – and face the unknown, one must have suffered a very difficult situation. Jesus too, the Pope stressed, “came from “another place”” and “when Herod’s violent rage struck the territory of Bethlehem, the Holy Family of Nazareth experienced the anguish of persecution and, guided by God, took refuge in Egypt. The little Jesus reminds us that half the refugees in the world today are children, innocent victims of human injustice”.

To “these dramas,” said Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “the Church responds with many initiatives of solidarity and assistance, hospitality and welcome. There is always much to do, there are so many suffering to soothe and problems to be solved. We need greater coordination, more organized actions, able to embrace every person, group and community, according to the plan of fraternity that unites us all. This is why it is necessary to network. Creating networks of education, first of all, to educate the little ones among migrants, that is, those who instead of sitting among the school desks, like many of their peers, spend their days making long journeys on foot, or on makeshift and dangerous vehicles. They too need training to be able to work tomorrow and to participate as citizens, aware of the common good”.

“ And at the same time it is a question of educating us all in acceptance and solidarity, to prevent - the Pope said - migrants and refugees from encountering indifference or, worse, intolerance, on their path. Creating networks of education means allowing people to get up on their feet, to get back on their feet with full dignity, with the strength and courage to face life, making the most of their talents and their hard work. Creating networks of education is a valid solution for opening the gates of refugee camps, to allow young migrants to enter new societies, encountering and in turn promoting solidarity and generosity”.

The Pope concluded by stressing that “The Church’s mission has always manifested itself through the creativity and genius of artists, because they, with their works, are able to reach the most intimate aspects of the conscience of men and women of every age. For this, to you here present, I thank you and encourage you to continue in your work, to enkindle in every heart the warmth and tenderness of Christmas”.

The concert, promoted by the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education led by Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi and organized by Prime Time Promotions, will feature the following artists: Anastacia (USA), Alessandra Amoroso (Italy), Edoardo Bennato (Italy), Fabrizio Bosso (Italy), Dee Dee Bridgewater (USA), Giovanni Caccamo (Italy), Josè Feliciano (Puerto Rico), Andrea Griminelli (Italy), Raphael Gualazzi (Italy), Hussain Al Jassmi (Uae), Ermal Meta (Albania), Mihail (Romania), Álvaro Soler (Spain), Gheorghe Zamfir (Romania), New Direction Tennessee State Gospel Choir (USA), Art Voice Academy (Italy), Piccolo Coro Le Dolci Note (Italy), as well as the extraordinary participation of Miguel Angel Zotto and Daiana Guspero (Argentina).

Finally, there will be the Orchestra Universale Sinfonica Italiana conducted by maestro Renato Serio with maestro collaborator Stefano Zavattoni. It is possible to support the projects by sending a text message to the number 45530, already activated and valid until January 15, 2019. some migrants and homeless people have been invited to the Concert.

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By Iacopo Scaramuzzi/ lastampa.it