It must strictly be referred to as "the Feast of the Resurrection"

Submitted by munir on Sun, 05/09/2021 - 19:09


Christians of all denominations celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead which marks a nonpareil stage in life. It is the stage that ends darkness and replaces it by the brightness of the resurrection; or rather a new life offered to the faithful with a sincere promise of eternal life after death in the presence of the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ.


In modern time, there has been a general consensus to refer to this grand feast as "Easter" with people conveying well wishes stating "Happy Easter". Actually the word "Easter" is a general term which represents a generic springtime holiday marked by lots of fun and entertainment. The naming of the celebration as "Easter" seems to go back to the name of a pre-Christian tradition.


In other words the reference to the Feast of Lord Jesus' Resurrection as "Easter" is completely out of context because this term bears no indication to Lord Jesus' rising from the dead when mentioning the word "Easter".


The Resurrection Day is a day for honoring the living. It is a day when we celebrate the fact that Lord Jesus Christ, having been in the grave for three days, walked out alive. It is also a day for those who had been raised from the dead with Lord Jesus and jubilant over His victory over death.


It is important to note that the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus is celebrated 52 Sundays a year. In perspective, we celebrate the Resurrection Sunday every Sunday of the year and every day when a Holy Mass is celebrated.


The Feast of the Resurrection is one of most important feasts celebrated by human beings or it is rather the most important feast ever celebrated  since the start of life on this planet, Earth, because  since the start of life all people went  through the stage of death with no exception. The only exception is Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified while being pure and sinless. He died on the Cross, and shed His precious blood to cleanse the sins of humanity and to give eternal life to all those who believe in Him in His capacity as the Prince of Peace and the Savior of the world.


From this premise, it is important to convey well wishes to one another by saying, "Happy Feast of the Resurrection." It is the feast that breathes life into the dead, cleanse our sins, and serves as a pledge for a happy eternal life with the Prince of Peace.


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By Munir Bayouk/ :